What Works to Advance Gender Equity?
We’re on a mission to find out.
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Having more women on the board leads to companies being more proactive about minor defects and more responsive to major defects in their products.
Learn about the ways in which we can close tech gender gap, and how we can leverage tech to bring these interventions to scale across sectors.
Discover programs and practices that provide high quality care for women and families during pregnancy and childbirth.
Which interventions aim to close the gender gap in politics and leverage women’s skills for the public good?
Which strategies and policies will level the playing field and provide opportunities for academic success to students of all genders?
Find tools and practices that have worked (failed) around the world to ensure girls’ access to education.
Discover what gender stereotypes exist and which practices help us move beyond bias barriers to experience our full potential.
What is the relationship between gender equity and prosperity, and how can we leverage this critical asset toward a prosperous future?
What can policymakers and organizations do to ensure women get fairly compensated for their work?
Identifying when and how women and men are most willing (and unwilling) to compete will inform structural designs to maximize gender-equal participation.
Employers, communities, and households benefit when women have greater opportunity and agency. How does gender affect decision-making?
What programs, policies, and designs can help foster women’s entrepreneurial opportunities?
Learn strategies on how to best capitalize on women’s talent and leadership in politics, society, and the global economy.
Organizations and businesses can make structural changes so that negotiations are more gender-equal. Learn techniques and policies that can help create a more level playing field.
What are the different policies and revised cultural expectations that can help us establish women’s full participation in their governments?
How can we reduce the prevalence of gender-based violence against women and girls across the world?
Learn about the innovative strategies that organizations and governments are utilizing to reduce poverty and its disproportionate harm to women.
Evidence suggests quotas on corporate boards and political offices could improve women’s participation in leadership roles. Explore research testing the effects of quotas in both business and politics.
Explore the public policy interventions that prevent the spread of STIs, as well as recommendations on how successful interventions can be improved and implemented in larger populations.
How can we advance women in girls in STEM? Explore the evidence: from mentorship programs to organizational and institutional policy changes.
What interventions can we use to help women navigate innate barriers in workplace, and help institutions "debias" their organizational processes?