Cycling to School: Increasing Secondary School Enrollment for Girls in India
A program in India that provided female students with access to bicycles increased secondary school enrollment for girls and narrowed the gender gap in secondary school enrollment.
A Female Leadership Trust Advantage in Times of Crisis: Under What Conditions?
Female leaders exhibiting high levels of relational behaviors are trusted more than male leaders exhibiting high levels of relational behaviors when organizations are in crises with low uncertainty about consequences.
The effect of California’s paid family leave policy on parent health: A quasi-experimental study
Paid family leave policies support the health of families with newborn children, with particular improvements in health status and psychological distress in mothers and particular benefits in reduced alcohol use in fathers.
Bethany C. Lee,
Sepideh Modrek,
Justin S. White,
Akansha Batra,
Daniel F. Collin,
Rita Hamad
Negotiating Femininity: Gender-Relevant Primes Improve Women’s Economic Performance in Gender Role Incongruent Negotiations
Simple strategies that prime women to focus on past negotiation successes or prepare by imagining helping a friend negotiate can help women succeed in negotiations.
Does Exposure to Gender Role Models Increase Women’s Political Ambition? A Field Experiment with Politicians
Exposure to gender role models increases women’s interest in political current events but does not increase their ambition to become involved in politics.
Dual-anonymization Yields Promising Results for Reducing Gender Bias: A Naturalistic Field Experiment of Applications for Hubble Space Telescope Time
Anonymizing information, such as gender, about grant applicants reduced gender bias, particularly in male reviewers, who tended to rate female applicants significantly worse than male applicants.
Going it alone: Competition increases the attractiveness of minority status
When faced with competitive workplaces, women and African Americans are less likely to join teams that include other women or African Americans than when faced with non-competitive workplaces.
Erika L. Kirgios,
Edward H. Chang,
Katherine L. Milkman
Scaling Down Inequality: Rating Scales, Gender Bias, and the Architecture of Evaluation
In male-dominated fields, quantitative performance ratings for judging a professor’s merit elicit more gender bias when ratings are assessed on a 10-point scale than when assessed on a 6-point scale.
Networking Frictions in Venture Capital, and the Gender Gap in Entrepreneurship
In venture capital (VC) competitions, exposure to more VC judges increases male, but not female, participants’ chances of founding a VC-backed startup. This is in part due to male participants' increased likelihood of proactively reaching out to judges after the competition.
The Effects of Gender Neuroessentialism on Transprejudice: An Experimental Study
Exposure to essentialist ideas that ground the male/female binary in biology may lead to more prejudice against transgender people, whereas exposure to ideas that question such essentialist claims may help counteract this prejudice.
Cycling to School: Increasing Secondary School Enrollment for Girls in India
A program in India that provided female students with access to bicycles increased secondary school enrollment for girls and narrowed the gender gap in secondary school enrollment.
The effect of California’s paid family leave policy on parent health: A quasi-experimental study
Paid family leave policies support the health of families with newborn children, with particular improvements in health status and psychological distress in mothers and particular benefits in reduced alcohol use in fathers.
Bethany C. Lee,
Sepideh Modrek,
Justin S. White,
Akansha Batra,
Daniel F. Collin,
Rita Hamad
Does Exposure to Gender Role Models Increase Women’s Political Ambition? A Field Experiment with Politicians
Exposure to gender role models increases women’s interest in political current events but does not increase their ambition to become involved in politics.
Going it alone: Competition increases the attractiveness of minority status
When faced with competitive workplaces, women and African Americans are less likely to join teams that include other women or African Americans than when faced with non-competitive workplaces.
Erika L. Kirgios,
Edward H. Chang,
Katherine L. Milkman
Networking Frictions in Venture Capital, and the Gender Gap in Entrepreneurship
In venture capital (VC) competitions, exposure to more VC judges increases male, but not female, participants’ chances of founding a VC-backed startup. This is in part due to male participants' increased likelihood of proactively reaching out to judges after the competition.
A Female Leadership Trust Advantage in Times of Crisis: Under What Conditions?
Female leaders exhibiting high levels of relational behaviors are trusted more than male leaders exhibiting high levels of relational behaviors when organizations are in crises with low uncertainty about consequences.
Negotiating Femininity: Gender-Relevant Primes Improve Women’s Economic Performance in Gender Role Incongruent Negotiations
Simple strategies that prime women to focus on past negotiation successes or prepare by imagining helping a friend negotiate can help women succeed in negotiations.
Dual-anonymization Yields Promising Results for Reducing Gender Bias: A Naturalistic Field Experiment of Applications for Hubble Space Telescope Time
Anonymizing information, such as gender, about grant applicants reduced gender bias, particularly in male reviewers, who tended to rate female applicants significantly worse than male applicants.
Scaling Down Inequality: Rating Scales, Gender Bias, and the Architecture of Evaluation
In male-dominated fields, quantitative performance ratings for judging a professor’s merit elicit more gender bias when ratings are assessed on a 10-point scale than when assessed on a 6-point scale.
The Effects of Gender Neuroessentialism on Transprejudice: An Experimental Study
Exposure to essentialist ideas that ground the male/female binary in biology may lead to more prejudice against transgender people, whereas exposure to ideas that question such essentialist claims may help counteract this prejudice.