Empowered by Absence: Does male out-migration empower female household heads left behind?
Women from households with male migrants are more likely to own assets than women from non-immigrant households; however, there is no improvement in their decision-making over productive use of resources.
A Network’s Gender Composition and Communication Pattern Predict Women’s Leadership Success
Women are more likely to be placed into high level leadership positions if they are centrally located in their social network and have a female-dominated inner circle.
Differences in the Effects of Vocational Training on Men and Women: Constraints on Women and Drop-Out Behavior
Women are more constrained in their decision making, particularly by family obligations, distance and illness, affecting their participation and dropout rates from vocational training programs.
Yoonyoung Cho,
Davie Kalomba,
Ahmed Mushfiq Mobarak,
Orozco Olvera,
Victor Hugo
The Economic Returns to Social Interaction: Experimental Evidence from Microfinance
Increased social interaction among microfinance client-groups leads to significantly lower default rates and a higher willingness to pool financial risk with group members.
Empowered by Absence: Does male out-migration empower female household heads left behind?
Women from households with male migrants are more likely to own assets than women from non-immigrant households; however, there is no improvement in their decision-making over productive use of resources.
Differences in the Effects of Vocational Training on Men and Women: Constraints on Women and Drop-Out Behavior
Women are more constrained in their decision making, particularly by family obligations, distance and illness, affecting their participation and dropout rates from vocational training programs.
Yoonyoung Cho,
Davie Kalomba,
Ahmed Mushfiq Mobarak,
Orozco Olvera,
Victor Hugo
A Network’s Gender Composition and Communication Pattern Predict Women’s Leadership Success
Women are more likely to be placed into high level leadership positions if they are centrally located in their social network and have a female-dominated inner circle.
The Economic Returns to Social Interaction: Experimental Evidence from Microfinance
Increased social interaction among microfinance client-groups leads to significantly lower default rates and a higher willingness to pool financial risk with group members.