Differences in the Effects of Vocational Training on Men and Women: Constraints on Women and Drop-Out Behavior

Women are more constrained in their decision making, particularly by family obligations, distance and illness, affecting their participation and dropout rates from vocational training programs.


Job training programs have been recognized as effective policy tools to provide youth with marketable labor-market skills. Vocational training can improve labor market outcomes by increasing technical skills, productivity, and interpersonal skills. In Sub-Saharan Africa in particular, vocational and entrepreneurial training is even more important given that over 80 percent of the population is self-employed in small business and household enterprises. This intervention paired youths aged 15-24 from 28 districts in Malawi with Master Craftspeople in a vocational and entrepreneurial youth training program and examined the determinants and consequences for dropouts.


After implementing the intervention, they found more women were dropping out than men. Examining that gender difference further, researchers found:

  • Women were more likely to drop out of the program due to illness or injury, family commitments, and transportation challenges.
  • The stipend provided by the program was not enough for transportation and housing during the program. Men were more likely to receive financial support from Master Craftspersons  (e.g. help with food and extra money) than women. Without the Master Craftpersons’ support, it is more likely that women’s financial constraints prevented their participation in the training. Women were more constrained by the distance to the training facility, had to draw down more of their savings to attend trainings, and were not able to attend the trainings as regularly as men.
  • Overall, men experienced more positive outcomes from vocational and entrepreneurial training, including higher earnings after completing the program than women, higher likelihood of starting a business or receiving a paid job from their master-craftsperson.

In short, even if they wanted to go to the training program, women were less able to do so than men, rendering vocational training programs more expensive, less supportive, and not as effective as for their male counterparts.


The study randomly assigned 1,900 vulnerable and poor youths aged 15-24 from 28 districts in Malawi to receive on-the-job training. The program was phased in overtime with the treatment group starting training immediately, and the control group starting approximately 4 months later. Results from the follow-up survey with both groups were used to compare outcomes between the treatment and control groups at that point (since the control group had not yet entered the program). The training program involved placement of young people as apprentices of master craftspeople (MC). MCs were selected from a pool based on their expertise and business performance. A total of 164 MCs were selected, from 17 different trades. Training modules were created for each trade. During the apprenticeship, MCs trained between one and eight trainees at their workshops for a period of three months on average. Because most of the MCs were located in urban areas, trainees were provided with a small stipend (approximately US $28) to cover expenses related to food and accommodation.

Baseline data was collected in March-April 2010 among a random subset of the original sample. A total of 1,122 individuals were surveyed. During the follow-up survey in June-August 2011, 1,029 respondents were interviewed.

Data was collected in March-April 2010 among a random subset of the original sample. A total of 1,122 individuals were surveyed. During the follow-up survey in June-August 2011, 1,029 respondents were interviewed.

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