Gender norms and economic empowerment intervention to reduce intimate partner violence against women in rural Côte d’Ivoire: a randomized controlled pilot study
Adding an interpersonal dialogue group to economic empowerment programming in Côte d’Ivoire reduced the occurrence of intimate partner violence, economic abuse, and acceptance of wife beating.
Jhumka Gupta,
Kathryn L. Falb,
Heidi Lehmann,
Denise Kpebo,
Ziming Xuan,
Mazeda Hossain,
Cathy Zimmerman,
Charlotte Watts,
Jeannie Annan
Findings from the SASA! Study: a cluster randomized controlled trial to assess the impact of a community mobilization intervention to prevent violence against women and reduce HIV risk in Kampala, Uganda
A community mobilization intervention piloted in Uganda significantly reduced social acceptance of gender inequality and intimate partner violence (IPV), as well as actual experience of IPV and risky sexual behavior.
Tanya Abramsky,
Karen Devries,
Ligia Kiss,
Janet Nakuti,
Nambusi Kyegombe,
Elizabeth Starmann,
Bonnie Cundill,
Leilani Francisco,
Dan Kaye,
Tina Musuya,
Lori Michau,
Charlotte Watts
The Short-Term Impacts of a Schooling Conditional Cash Transfer Program on the Sexual Behavior of Young Women
Educational conditional cash transfer programs lead to “win-win” scenarios for girls: increases in their schooling and reductions in risky sexual behavior.
Sarah Baird,
Ephraim Chirwa,
Craig McIntosh,
Berk Özler
Effect Of A Structural Intervention For The Prevention Of Intimate-Partner Violence And HIV In Rural South Africa: A Cluster Randomised Trial
Combining a microfinance program for women with a participatory curriculum to discuss gender roles, relationships, intimate-partner violence, and HIV reduced levels of intimate-partner violence in South Africa.
Paul M. Pronyk,
James R. Hargreaves,
Julia C. Kim,
Linda A. Morison,
Godfrey Phetla,
Charlotte Watts,
Joanna Busza,
John D. H. Porter
A Multifaceted Program Causes Lasting Progress for the Very Poor: Evidence from Six Countries
A multidimensional intervention program improves the lives of the extreme poor with effects lasting up to a year later, including increasing women’s empowerment in the short-term.
Abhijit Banerjee,
Esther Duflo,
Nathanael Goldberg,
Dean Karlan,
Robert Osei,
William Parienté,
Jeremy Shapiro,
Bram Thuysbaert,
Christopher Udry
Education, HIV, and Early Fertility: Experimental Evidence from Kenya
Lowering the barriers to education by providing free school uniforms lowered girls’ and boys’ dropout rates, reduced teen pregnancy within marriage, and decreased teen marriage rates.
Gender Differences In Competition: Evidence From A Matrilineal And A Patriarchal Society
Women are less competitive than men in patriarchal societies, but this result reverses in matrilineal societies, where women are more competitive than men.
Women’s Empowerment in Action: Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial in Africa
A combination of vocational and life skill training improves adolescent girls’ income-generating opportunities and social empowerment while reducing early childbearing and desired fertility rates.
Oriana Bandiera,
Niklas Buehren,
Robin Burgess,
Markus Goldstein,
Selim Gulesci,
Imran Rasul,
Munshi Sulaiman
Gender norms and economic empowerment intervention to reduce intimate partner violence against women in rural Côte d’Ivoire: a randomized controlled pilot study
Adding an interpersonal dialogue group to economic empowerment programming in Côte d’Ivoire reduced the occurrence of intimate partner violence, economic abuse, and acceptance of wife beating.
Jhumka Gupta,
Kathryn L. Falb,
Heidi Lehmann,
Denise Kpebo,
Ziming Xuan,
Mazeda Hossain,
Cathy Zimmerman,
Charlotte Watts,
Jeannie Annan
The Short-Term Impacts of a Schooling Conditional Cash Transfer Program on the Sexual Behavior of Young Women
Educational conditional cash transfer programs lead to “win-win” scenarios for girls: increases in their schooling and reductions in risky sexual behavior.
Sarah Baird,
Ephraim Chirwa,
Craig McIntosh,
Berk Özler
A Multifaceted Program Causes Lasting Progress for the Very Poor: Evidence from Six Countries
A multidimensional intervention program improves the lives of the extreme poor with effects lasting up to a year later, including increasing women’s empowerment in the short-term.
Abhijit Banerjee,
Esther Duflo,
Nathanael Goldberg,
Dean Karlan,
Robert Osei,
William Parienté,
Jeremy Shapiro,
Bram Thuysbaert,
Christopher Udry
Women’s Empowerment in Action: Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial in Africa
A combination of vocational and life skill training improves adolescent girls’ income-generating opportunities and social empowerment while reducing early childbearing and desired fertility rates.
Oriana Bandiera,
Niklas Buehren,
Robin Burgess,
Markus Goldstein,
Selim Gulesci,
Imran Rasul,
Munshi Sulaiman
Findings from the SASA! Study: a cluster randomized controlled trial to assess the impact of a community mobilization intervention to prevent violence against women and reduce HIV risk in Kampala, Uganda
A community mobilization intervention piloted in Uganda significantly reduced social acceptance of gender inequality and intimate partner violence (IPV), as well as actual experience of IPV and risky sexual behavior.
Tanya Abramsky,
Karen Devries,
Ligia Kiss,
Janet Nakuti,
Nambusi Kyegombe,
Elizabeth Starmann,
Bonnie Cundill,
Leilani Francisco,
Dan Kaye,
Tina Musuya,
Lori Michau,
Charlotte Watts
Effect Of A Structural Intervention For The Prevention Of Intimate-Partner Violence And HIV In Rural South Africa: A Cluster Randomised Trial
Combining a microfinance program for women with a participatory curriculum to discuss gender roles, relationships, intimate-partner violence, and HIV reduced levels of intimate-partner violence in South Africa.
Paul M. Pronyk,
James R. Hargreaves,
Julia C. Kim,
Linda A. Morison,
Godfrey Phetla,
Charlotte Watts,
Joanna Busza,
John D. H. Porter
Education, HIV, and Early Fertility: Experimental Evidence from Kenya
Lowering the barriers to education by providing free school uniforms lowered girls’ and boys’ dropout rates, reduced teen pregnancy within marriage, and decreased teen marriage rates.
Gender Differences In Competition: Evidence From A Matrilineal And A Patriarchal Society
Women are less competitive than men in patriarchal societies, but this result reverses in matrilineal societies, where women are more competitive than men.