Scaling Down Inequality: Rating Scales, Gender Bias, and the Architecture of Evaluation
In male-dominated fields, quantitative performance ratings for judging a professor’s merit elicit more gender bias when ratings are assessed on a 10-point scale than when assessed on a 6-point scale.
Class Advantage, Commitment Penalty: The Gendered Effect of Social Class Signals in an Elite Labor Market
Résumés signaling high socioeconomic class status made male applicants, but not female applicants, more likely to be selected for a job interview at elite law firms.
Scaling Down Inequality: Rating Scales, Gender Bias, and the Architecture of Evaluation
In male-dominated fields, quantitative performance ratings for judging a professor’s merit elicit more gender bias when ratings are assessed on a 10-point scale than when assessed on a 6-point scale.
Class Advantage, Commitment Penalty: The Gendered Effect of Social Class Signals in an Elite Labor Market
Résumés signaling high socioeconomic class status made male applicants, but not female applicants, more likely to be selected for a job interview at elite law firms.